Environmental Remediation Services

Comprehensive Remediation Services: From Design to Closure

Bay West provides effective remedial solutions tailored to manage and mitigate environmental impacts across various media by leveraging innovative technologies and methodologies. Whether dealing with historical contamination, munitions and explosives, or the need for natural remediation approaches, our expert team is equipped to guide your projects to successful completion.

Recent Remediation Experience

St. Louis River Area of Concern Remediation

The St. Louis River and Duluth/Superior Harbor have historically been polluted by industries like logging and papermaking. Bay West has been a key partner with local and state agencies in addressing comprehensive cleanup plan aimed at restoring the area.

Superior Plating Remediation and Oversight

The largest plating facility in the Midwest was closed due to soil and groundwater contamination. Bay West is pivotal in providing support and oversight for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and its cleanup efforts.

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