Environmental Planning Services

Sustainable Solutions through Expert Environmental Planning

Make better informed decisions and manage your environmental risks through Bay West’s environmental planning services. We evaluate the environmental impacts of proposed projects or activities and develop strategies to mitigate negative effects. Our expertise includes due diligence, brownfield redevelopment, public communication, spill prevention, control, and countermeasure plan/facility response plan preparation, industrial hygiene, asbestos management, safety training, and more. Our team of environmental planners is here to guide you through every step of the planning process, combining scientific expertise with strategic insight to deliver cost effective, balanced solutions achieving your project’s goals.

All Recent Experience

St. Louis River Area of Concern Remediation

The St. Louis River and Duluth/Superior Harbor have historically been polluted by industries like logging and papermaking. Bay West has been a key partner with local and state agencies in addressing comprehensive cleanup plan aimed at restoring the area.

Perham Investigation and Remediation

The East Otter Tail County Fairgrounds in Perham, Minnesota, served as a mixing station and depository for unused arsenic-based grasshopper bait in the 1940s. Bay West has helped ensure the ongoing protection of communities and the environment with various site investigation, optimization studies, and groundwater modeling.

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