Tackle the challenges of site contamination with engineered remedial design services from Bay West. Remediation projects require not just a plan, but a well-engineered design that ensures the cleanup strategy is effectively implemented based on site-specific conditions. We understand that the success of any remediation project lies in the details of its design. Our team of environmental engineers and specialists is dedicated to developing remedial designs that are effective from both environmental and cost perspectives. Let us help you manage environmental liabilities with our comprehensive remedial design services, paving the way for a cleaner, safer future.
Bay West has completed remedial design projects for commercial, state, and federal clients. Remedial design often begins with treatability studies and/or pilot testing of a remedial technology for potential application to the entire site. Depending on the technology being examined, the studies have generally involved laboratory, bench-scale, and/or pilot-scale testing to evaluate the performance of a technology for remediating environmental media under varying operating conditions.
Bay West uses the pilot testing results to effectively develop a remedial action remedy. To implement this plan, we prepare detailed bid specifications. Our engineers prepare quality specifications for each project. These specifications are detailed technically and clearly define payment quantities/items. We use our experience to add potential items where unforeseen changes may occur, then collect unit-based cost estimates for these items. Having clearly defined unit costs for these items allows projects to be quickly completed, with minimal cost overruns, confusion, delays, or payment conflicts at invoice time. The goal of these specifications is to protect our clients. Bay West’s thorough bidding plans and specifications lead to smooth construction and cleanup projects, timing deadlines being met, and few unanticipated change orders and extra costs.