Transforming a Hazardous Property: Bay West Cleans Up Auto Salvage Yard


Bay West took on the challenge of cleaning up a cluttered and hazardous property at a former auto salvage yard, working to clear away debris, scrap metal, and dangerous materials. From towering piles of scrap metal to leaking drums of unknown liquids, we successfully identified and removed it all—staying within budget while making impressive progress in restoring the site. Check out the dramatic before-and-after photos to see the impact of our work!



Project Recap

  • 280 tons of scrap metal and abandoned vehicles and semi-trailers were removed and sent to recycling
  • 50 tons of tires were removed and properly disposed of.
  • 14 tons of general debris were cleared from the property.
  • 60 tons of concrete were hauled off-site.
  • 21 tons of garbage were transported to the landfill.

In addition to general debris removal, we handled several hazardous materials that were posing environmental and safety risks:

  • Holding tanks and oil drums were pumped out, securing their contents for safe disposal. A damaged drum containing an unknown liquid was overpacked and secured, with samples taken for identification.
  • A saddle tank, potentially containing gasoline, was safely pumped out and prepared for disposal following testing and approval.
  • Intact mercury lamps were identified and removed from the site and packaged securely for proper disposal at Retrofit, a certified recycling facility.

What’s Next: While much has been accomplished, there is still some work to be done. There are additional tires and scrap pieces buried in the soil across the property, as well as low-lying areas that have flooded due to recent rains. We are actively working on a plan to address these remaining issues and will continue the cleanup process in collaboration with the property owner until the job is finished.

Looking Ahead: Beyond the environmental benefits, this cleanup has an important economic impact. By clearing hazardous materials and revitalizing the land, we’re helping to unlock the property’s full potential for future use, paving the way for redevelopment opportunities or safer community engagement.

This project is a testament to Bay West’s expertise in managing challenging cleanup operations. From removing debris to handling hazardous materials, we’re committed to delivering safe, thorough, and efficient environmental solutions. If you have similar needs or are curious about the next steps for your project, our team is ready to assist.

For more information or to discuss the next phases of this project, contact us today.


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