Eglin Air Force Base (AFB), located in Florida, is a key installation for the U.S. Air Force. It plays a significant role in the testing, development, and deployment of military munitions. Eglin is known for its vast test and training range, the largest in the Department of Defense. Bay West has conducted military munitions investigations and removals at Eglin AFB in support of its primary mission focus.
Bay West has collaborated with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 96th Test Wing, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, U.S. Navy, and Florida Department of Environmental Protection to develop technical approaches that will address sites where munitions have impacted land use. These approaches have been implemented by qualified personnel with the highest degree of safety and professionalism. Bay West has coordinated closely with Eglin AFB stakeholders to ensure minimal impact or interference to their primary mission. Projects have included site evaluations and removal actions, including military construction support to address the hazards associated with munitions contamination. Bay West projects have allowed for land reuse for recreational purposes, and the development of critical infrastructure.
Bay West’s projects at Eglin AFB have resulted in the clearance of >200 acres, the destruction of > 4,500 munitions and explosives of concern items and the final disposition of > 6.5 million pounds of material documented as safe.